

Peer mentors are Mudd students working as OSA staff. 他们通过OSA组织学生参与活动,并每周举办学生办公时间.



工程 Major, IFSA University of London, Spring 2019

在我去伦敦留学之前, 英格兰, I found myself trapped in the all too familiar “Mudd bubble”, often unaware of what was going on in the rest of the world. 出生和成长在社会, I was nervous to move to another country for five months, 但我觉得有必要做出改变. 我的怀疑和恐惧, including academic concerns and social anxiety, 几乎完全阻止了我, but previous study abroad alumni encouraged me to take the leap. 我非常感谢他们的安慰和说服,因为我最终在伦敦大学学院度过了一段难以置信的海外时光. 作为同伴导师, 我也希望能将我的经历分享给即将出国留学的同学们,让更多的mudder能够利用这个特殊的机会. 话虽如此, 我还想强调,为在不同的国家生活和学习做好准备并充分理解其含义的重要性. Adjusting to a new culture and navigating foreign places can be very challenging, but research and awareness can help with the transition. I assumed that London would be similar to any big city in the 状态s, but I quickly found that I had to adapt to so many different customs and behaviors. 通过几次单独旅行, 我更进一步,学会了欣赏每个城市独特的特质,而不是纠结于作为外国人的不舒服. Studying abroad will inevitably push you out of your comfort zone, but in the end you will meet incredible people, 作为个人成长, and create memories that will stay with you far into the future.

Jane Watts, 20岁

Jane Watts, 20岁

工程 Major, CIEE Madrid 工程, Spring 2019

我选择参与OSA的原因是因为我在国外的学期开始时并没有过得很愉快, even though I’d experienced moving to a different country before. Not speaking the language was far more difficult than I had expected, and I didn’t connect with my program’s students at all initially. I was terrified of defining my identity apart from my close Mudd friends, frustrated with yet another country riddled for centuries with systemic racism, and confused that I had chosen to put myself in this situation. My first few weeks were completely different than the experience I had in mind, 在某种程度上, felt that I had been promised by students past. 当然, it was also my mistake to only base my decision of past students’ experiences, and not research my decision as well as I should have. 话虽如此, my semester most definitely had a change of pace. I made local friends who shared my interests in activism and racial and gender equality, and started seeing the all the beauty and adventures to be had in Madrid. Ultimately, I gained so much more from my semester because I struggled! 作为同伴导师, 我想为那些正在考虑的学生提供一个不同的叙述和更现实的建议, not to entice them into committing to study abroad, but to help them be as prepared as they can if they do decide to commit. I want my underclassmen to learn from my experience, and believe that they will get so much more out of the experience that way.


Global ambassadors are Mudd students who have already been abroad. 他们希望将你与留学资源联系起来,分享他们的留学经历.




Study abroad in Cape Town, South 非洲 was a defining moment of my time at Harvey Mudd. I grew so much during my time there, both 在学业上 and culturally. 我喜欢结识南非人,了解他们的文化和南非面临的挑战——其中许多挑战帮助我理解了我们在美国面临的类似挑战. 这段经历帮助我具备了全球化和文化意识,并结交了一生的朋友. I had such an amazing time in South 非洲 that I decided to work in Berlin, 第二年夏天在德国通过工程太阳2注册平台的实习项目. 在德国, 我学到了全球可持续发展和政策,我希望把这些带到我未来的职业生涯中. 总之, 出国留学使我成为一个独立的人, 全球的学习者, and I think everyone should study abroad if they can. Mudd很有挑战性, 尽管很难离开, 出国是一个很好的方式来喘口气,并定义自己在Mudd的学术和文化之外. 作为全球大使, 我想鼓励其他泥人出国,这样他们就能成长,并拥有和我一样的奇妙经历.


悉尼(鱿鱼)华莱士' 20

cs -数学专业,AIT布达佩斯,2019年春季

悉尼, 绰号鱿鱼, 在布达佩斯参加过AIT项目吗, 现在是全球大使. 她喜欢泡菜,M&Ms, 还有她的哈巴狗, 并以友好的社区诊所项目经理的身份出现在5c附近, DJ, 和/或onesie-wearer.



Math-Comp-Bio Major, IES Madrid 工程, Spring 2019

I had always envisioned my college experience with a semester abroad. 我想花时间走出自己的舒适区,了解其他的生活方式,也更多地了解自己. 我选择了西班牙的马德里,因为我想让自己沉浸在西班牙的文化和语言中. I had visited Spain once before in high school, 而是我的乐队和合唱团, we always had translators and tour guides with us. I wanted to go back and be more than just a tourist. Studying abroad in Madrid, Spain pushed me out of my comfort zone. I lived with a host family that didn’t speak any English, constantly had to communicate with strangers in a language that is foreign to me, dove headfirst into a completely different university system, and frequently traveled to countries where I didn’t know the customs. Thus, I grew immensely throughout just one semester. 我学会了在未知中寻找安慰. 我决定成为一名GA,因为我相信每个人都可以从一个学期的国外受益. 我想与其他泥浆者分享我的经验——无论是积极的还是消极的——并减轻他们的担忧. Hearing previous GA’s stories made me excited about a semester outside of the U.S., and I hope to instill this excitement in younger Mudders.

马自达Moayeri '20

马自达Moayeri ' 20


Just when Harvey Mudd was beginning to get a little too familiar, 出国留学对我来说是一件完美的事情. 如果你想接受挑战,把自己置身于一个全新的环境中,以便在内心和外在都能发现很多东西, then studying abroad would be perfect for you too. It grants you a new perspective on not just where you are, but where you’ve been. This semester has made me feel more prepared than ever for life after Mudd, and I feel even more confident for when I go back to Mudd. 出国留学有时会很孤独, 尤其是对我来说,因为我没有参加过培训,而且我是我们国家唯一的5名cer, 但它让我知道我到底喜欢做什么,我喜欢如何度过我的时间. Some things will just be reaffirmed — I still love to dance, 尽可能大声地听我的音乐, 在这里和那里做些小恶作剧——但你甚至可以发现更多太阳2注册平台你自己的东西——我已经意识到烹饪是多么有趣,我只想继续做得更好. Another great thing about being abroad is that through traveling, 你的课程, 还有你交的朋友, 你对这个世界了解得太多了. 我一直对政治感兴趣, 在欧洲中部学习欧盟的课程是我在学术上最值得的努力之一. In particular revolutionary movements have always caught my eye, 这学期我和一个经历过两次埃及革命的人交了朋友! 我甚至还没有提到所有你可以亲自去旅行和看到的超级酷的地方. 作为GA, 我希望分享我所有的故事和如何充分利用留学经历的建议. 前进的道路上肯定会有坎坷, 但是希望, 我就能引导人们走向正确的方向,让他们为未来的一些困难做好准备. 举个例子, I missed the deadline for the first school I wanted to go to, 我最后就读的那所学校最初说,他们不会录取任何不提供博士学位的大学的学生, 但如果你想要足够的东西, 你只需要走出去,得到它. 在马德的支持下, 这对我很有效, 希望作为一名助教,我能帮助你们实现任何一个留学梦想.



Math-Comp-Bio Major, Organization for Tropical Studies Tanzania, Fall 2019

而我觉得我在哈维马德学习的数学和计算技能将在我毕业后从事我想从事的领域, 我认为在南非留学对我作为生物学家和研究人员的成长是必要的. 从经验来看, 我有保护研究的经验,接触过各种不同的科学探究方法. 我在长期生态监测和研究项目的设计和实施方面获得了培训. 我准备参与环境分析领域的讨论,从自然-文化鸿沟到环境正义经济学, 带着更多的意识和确定性. Though I did not have a “typical” study abroad experience, 我非常感激这三个月在国家公园和研究营的跋涉给我提供的机会和知识. 我决定成为一名全球大使,因为出国留学对我产生了积极的影响, 在学业上, 专业, 和个人. 我希望与其他泥人分享我的经历,并在这个过程中激发他们的热情,让他们做好环球旅行的准备!